
Temperature-Controlled Packaging Insulation: An...

There are many different types of insulation that can be used in temperature- controlled packaging, including: Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Extruded Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Vacuum Insulation Panels...

Temperature-Controlled Packaging Insulation: An...

There are many different types of insulation that can be used in temperature- controlled packaging, including: Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Extruded Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Vacuum Insulation Panels...

2015 Regulatory Updates for Shipping Infectious...

Published in Advance For Laboratory, Vol. 24 • Issue 1 • Page 23: By David Creighton Specimen Transport The regulations for the transport of dangerous goods are updated on a regular basis...

2015 Regulatory Updates for Shipping Infectious...

Published in Advance For Laboratory, Vol. 24 • Issue 1 • Page 23: By David Creighton Specimen Transport The regulations for the transport of dangerous goods are updated on a regular basis...


The 60th edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations incorporates all amendments made by the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel in developing the content of the 2019–2020 edition of the ICAO...


The 60th edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations incorporates all amendments made by the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel in developing the content of the 2019–2020 edition of the ICAO...

Notice of Enforcement Policy Regarding Internat...

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) understands that many offerors and carriers of hazardous materials in international transport will soon be adhering to requirements in the internationally-adopted 2019-2020...

Notice of Enforcement Policy Regarding Internat...

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) understands that many offerors and carriers of hazardous materials in international transport will soon be adhering to requirements in the internationally-adopted 2019-2020...

The Cost of Shipping Specimens

Have you ever stopped to think how much it costs to ship infectious and biological substances? These substances are regulated at national and international levels, so there are a number...

The Cost of Shipping Specimens

Have you ever stopped to think how much it costs to ship infectious and biological substances? These substances are regulated at national and international levels, so there are a number...

2019 IATA DGR 60th Edition

2019 IATA DGR 60th Edition

Trusted and used by airlines around the world for over 50 years, the newest version of IATA’s DGR is the most up-to-date, and user-friendly reference manual available to the industry...

2019 IATA DGR 60th Edition

Trusted and used by airlines around the world for over 50 years, the newest version of IATA’s DGR is the most up-to-date, and user-friendly reference manual available to the industry...